Tuesday, May 13, 2014

WorldTruth Spreading Lies - Blackwater in the Ukraine

Are there 400 US Mercenaries fighting in the Ukraine? 

I saw a post on Facebook today that claimed there was over 400 American Mercenaries deployed in the Ukraine. I found that statement to sound rather dubious in nature. After learning where this article was posted, it further solidified my belief that it was nothing more than a hoax or perhaps just misguided reporting.

The article stated that a "US private security firm Academi (formerly Blackwater) were taking part in the Ukrainian military operation." found on the ever so cleverly named website Worldtruth, a rather fantastic romantically inclined lie depot of frivolous propaganda and poor reporting.

After doing some research on the topic, I discovered that WorldTruth has a lengthy history of contorting "truth" into a marketing scheme. As their articles are bordered with all types of advertisements and they randomly post their articles as fact, when they should be posted as lies and nothing more.

How do I know that WorldTruth is telling lies?   

Funny you should ask. I read their article located here about Pepsi and Coca-cola being used as a pesticide. I read the full article all the way to the end, and that's where I noted they used a few links as "sources" to provide factual binding material to back their claims. So I clicked on the "Source Links" to view their truthful sources. I was directed to a fake BBC website. Interesting.

So to make sure that the truth isn't being used to help WorldTruth create any earnings, I read up on the group of Mercenaries that they were claiming to be involved in a military co-op.

The group denies having anything to do with the claim and furthermore has released statements towards that fact. Read Academi's Press Release

I am happy to say that my blog will never take part in fake reporting. Also I don't make the claim or attempt to make the claim that I am a reporter or journalist. I write opinions based on news stories, events or my own perception of thought. I'm stuck here in the good old USA, and I can't make a claim about anything happening in the Ukraine, simply because I'm not there.

I am going to trust Academi is being honest, and that they are not taking part in any actions in the Ukraine. Although even if they were, they are a company who does military work. Who the hell am I to say what they should or shouldn't do? Amen to that, jack! And - If they are over there, well then I hope the best for their employees and hope they do well. War is a business after all.

As far as World Truth? Let me sum it up in one word. Lies. Okay maybe two words. Pathetic.
Put them together and you get?

Enough said.

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