Sunday, January 8, 2017

Is Donald Trump Safe?

All joking aside, is Trump safe for America?

As normal, I toss my humorous self into the question and the answer, but still…is Donald Trump really safe for our country? A question not easily, or honestly answered, nor honestly asked. So let’s first look at the honest present situation in America:

(SITREP 2017) North Korea shows some ass and its desires for a US lead ICBM intervention program. Russia chokes out the US in the sands of the middle east. China shows us real Asian-Pacific surveillance submarine love, and the Philippines take a left intended for China…Israel casts down some of its NATO allies, European Union relations…. Greece, Germany, Italy, refugees, and Palestine.

Oh My….what’s next? Trump in office anyone? Yay….worldwide problem solution implementation, please proceed! Insert the Trump card and Wango bango, we’re great again! Right?


The demands of our current situation in America, both domestically and internationally may be already well too overbearing for the new US President Elect, especially for his first (soon to come) few weeks as acting President. That’s if your being honest with yourself about the quickly changing developments in US relations abroad, and who we (with possible Russian help) placed in power.

Not to mention the ever dramatic transformations taking place in our international-inter-diplomatic geopolitical agendas overseas, where our allies are turning away from US intervention and influences, and turning towards our greatest cold war enemies, like Ol’China and Russia for instance, who are rearranging the map of American diplomatic relations all across the board, and things are already (and have been for a while now, duh) well spinning out of control in the middle east.

Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya…Russian influences in the sands of our middle eastern interests, Chinese influence in our Asian Pacific interests, Israeli settlement augmentation, NATO Jewish diplomacy, Obama’mama Healthcare Reform, Constitutional conservationism, Republicanism over diplomacy…oh my ….  Trump can handle it all, right? Sure he can. So far he’s proven he’s super level-headed and consistent with his approach on subject matters. Right?


I mean, a psychological profile on Trump should be released very soon (joking) showing that his ability to shrug off disappointment, handle being disrespected, and not be easily influenced, is divinely anointed upon his glorious self by the grace of God…that’s if he allows for God to take any credit for anything, and that is if you believe that tall walls will save us and the Pope. (After all….the Vatican City walls and the possible Mexican border walls…are all the same…right?)

I’m sure that the psychological report will also show that he’s not at all highly susceptible to flattery or that he’s not so masochistically charged with being in a constant head-on, fully in control behavioral pattern. A behavior not derived at all from a long wealthy life of selfish entitlement and the egotistical spoils of such a life. Ergo, his egotistical, anti-nobodyisbetterthanatrump divide, racially formidable, wealth driven, angry white guy persuasion, that got him elected, surely will lead us into a better place of greatness in America and abroad. Surely.

Honestly though, ask yourself….

Will the current status quo be too much for old Donald Trump?

Can Trump handle being the man in charge of the future of our country?
Better yet, are we truly prepared for him to lead us?

Are we prepared for him to be in charge of our country? (Too late….already happening)

Answer these questions honestly, and you’ll come to the same conclusion. No….we and the world are not prepared for the Donald…because so far he’s proven only one thing…to me anyways…we made a mistake somewhere along the way to this point, and somehow elected the biggest asshat ever derived from an election process, into office.

And…..“We voted in this asshat because??”
(A. We had no better option?
(B. We had no better option?
(C. Ben Carson turned into a pussy and we had no better option.
(D. Hillary Clinton

We had no better option, and forgo, now….for better or worse, we have Trump. Tada! I’m not blaming anyone, we really had no better option. One asshat for another, or Trump the supreme asshat of them all. I guess Trump is the lesser of all evils….maybe…maybe not…

Possibly an even greater question is, was Trump really a real winner in our election, or Putin’s newest puppet by cyberspace meddling? All jokes aside, is he taking the seriousness of Russia’s meddling seriously or is he more “intelligent” than our “intelligence” office, errr department? Hmmmm….

Another scary thought, but with his twittering and powerful statements of uncompromising rhetoric, is he capable of running this country, safely…. and with intelligence, on his own accord?

My answer is thus, and incredibly difficult to digest for any Trumpet, but my opinion simply is…. Trump makes me nervous. His “quick to respond” actions on issues as they pop up, looks good on paper, but are his responses articulate and well placed? No. He seems dangerous. Plain and simple. Trump is dangerous. Dangerously dangerous. Evidently by the evidence in place, he is more threatening to the US than our enemies ever could be.


His ability at creating mole hills into mountains, as such the “Trump Legacy” of his demeanor, overreacting on sublime rhetoric….is dangerous that’s why.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m unsure if he is or isn’t about to totally screw things up or not….possibly much worse than the last 8 years, then again possibly not, but he’s a danger nonetheless, to the American people and our men and women at arms. And - Why do I say that?

He seemingly seems more and more like someone completely about to spin himself out of control. Self destructing, in huge, slow, deep, back paddling waves of abrupt irresponsible responses seems to be the course. From his instantaneous self-willed self entitled accreditations, to his witless empathetic disconnect and his militaristic supremacism drive. (Not to be misconstrued with his promise to make America great again or anything.)

As if this is his best yet to come?! Example A... Making fun of the CIA’s assessment of Russian meddling in our election process. “Intelligent”, eh? Back paddling on most of his instantaneous spontaneous reactions? (Yet….this is what we have come to expect from him thus far, supernatural, super fun, woo-hoo, I’m never wrong, I’m Donald motherfucking Trump, motherfuckers!! I don’t need the CIA! Wooo baby, yeah!)
The Austin Powers of Presidents…glittering disco balls, hot tub jacuzzis, smoke machines and Mr. Trump… the extraordinaire…old Mr. Neverwrong at the helm!

A bubble covered disco dancefloor, mirrors and razorblades, the Columbian cartel pipeline….Trump doing cocaine lines on the Oval Office desk and DT Jr sneaking in hookers….fun times at the white house….soon to come…John Travolta dancing with Ivanka doing the pulp fiction disco….these things I imagine would never happen…but then again, I can easily entertain the possibility.

It only leaves me wondering, what’s next to come? War? Peace? Growth? Self-destruction? Hard to tell. If we have any expectations of decisiveness from Trump so far, it could go either way, but he only seems capable of running his mouth off at the hinges, and slowing way down on actual intelligent answers. His deliverance of actual steps in finding solutions towards current issues has yet to come. Which is scary….simply because he reminds me of someone who jumps way too far ahead on issues before getting all the facts, a sort of poker player who likes to fake a “trump” at the table. A guy who let’s you think it’s all under wraps, until he shows an empty hand, and then blames the dealer. As with his blaming of the media on his own twittering twitter account posts, the self-made twittering tweet on twitter about the “intelligence” of his soon to be greatest resource of intelligence….uuugh….the CIA…in which case he blamed the media for his own twittering tryst! This, an example of things to come? A blame passing passer perhaps? A twittering twit for Prez? Amazingly…yes….it’s what I imagine is about to come.

Just the type we need in office. Jump first, ask questions later, after you blame everyone else around you and the twitter app. Perfect!

Weeeee….and he will have his hands and twittering trigger finger on the nuclear football every president gets to play god with, and his fat twittering twitter fingers on our 7000 plus (more to come) nuclear weapons arsenal, of our economically twittering country? Sweet! Highly comforting!

2017-2019 will surely be the most interesting last few teen years of the 2000s.
Hopefully you’re a prepper, and already prepared for Trump’s idea of making America great again….What’s in your survival bag? Nuclear proof underwear? Russian cloaking formal wear? Adidas jump suits? Chinese intervention handbooks on American policy demonization and a tour book on begotten Japanese islands of Chinese interests? Tutorials on strategic man made Islands and airbase creation, using sand pumps and steamrollers? Yes, you should consider brushing up on your Mandarin Chinese and Russian language comprehension….that might be a handy vocabulary to have in the next few weeks, months (possibly years) to come.

Truth be told, Russian relations could possibly improve with Trump in office, and who knows, maybe Trump can turn the whole country around. Maybe my fear mongering is inappropriately felt. Maybe China is our greatest ally. Then again, perhaps my viewpoint is dead on accurate. Perhaps. I mean it wouldn’t be the first time I was semi correct on a subject. I mean, hell, who knows. Maybe Trump can make America great again, or as with the butterfly effect in politics, the complete opposite of the terminology of the word “Great” could come to be, which would be to some of us, snafu, or fubar, or not so great, depending of your idea of what the opposite of the word great might be. Shit? Crap? Holy fucking Shit? Holy crap? Holy Fucking fuck nuggets of pain!? Holy freaking fucking penis legged fuck toads!? (Things I say when I stub a toe on my chair leg) However you view the opposite of great to be, so it could become under DT.

Therein lies the problem. We can expect only one thing or the other. Things might get way, way, way fucking better, or far, far, far fucking worse. With Trump holding the reins, who the fuck really knows, and that’s that, sit booboo sit! Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub, …..Amen.

Let’s wait and see what happens next, shall we? Not as if we have any other choice, or anything….duh!

Thanks for reading…

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