Monday, August 11, 2014

Airstrikes in Iraq- A better way to fight in Iraq

The new conflict in Iraq is surely a direct result of American forces leaving the future of this land in the hands of lesser powers. I can only agree that it was a mistake to think America made a wise choice to pull out so fully. With the Islamic State militants grabbing land and American military leftovers, the Kurds do have their hands full fighting a militant group armed so effectively.

I think Obama is doing the right thing by keeping American boots off Iraqi soil. Airstrikes would be more effective than sending in our military.

What does seem funny and sickening is these republican politicians calling Obama's move lackluster, and demanding that he does more by sending in American troops. Do they even care about the men and women they are so eager to send into harms way? Why are these politicians so warm to the idea of putting our military to the task of leaving their lives and blood in a war zone?

Could the reason for republican politicians being this willing to see American boots on Iraqi soil be because of the stock in the Iraqi dollar? There are many Americans who invested thousands of dollars into millions of dollars of Iraqi money, with the hopes of getting a huge return.

I think Obama's plan for continued airstrikes is much more practical than putting our men and women in harms way. It's damming that these congressmen are so negative towards the idea of keeping boots out, watching the news, like CNN or Aljazeera with these politicians speaking out about Obama not doing enough, can only put their stance on the issue in a bad light. Nothing new there, with Republican politicians at a all time low in public opinion, they just continue on giving themselves a worsening point of view on American issues.

I think keeping our men and women out of immediate harms way is much more intelligent, matched with airstrikes against targets that the Kurds can develop for our military in the sky, is much more effective. I would rather see drone airstrikes than seeing Americans laying their lives on the line over an issue we can easily backup but not necessarily deploy fully into.

Good job Mr. President!

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