Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Socialism in America is Real

Socialism in America  

Capitalism Today is Socialized
Author Jeffrey Allen Kaufman

Who are we kidding?

I was stuck in traffic heading back from Atlanta, listening to some guy with a political talk show on the radio going on about how America would never be capable of being socialized. He went on about how we would have to give up our freedoms and our rights, if we were to become a socialist America.

He brought up the same line of bullshit most people who are against the idea bring up. Things like, we would all have to forget about Capitalism, and give up private property. He went on about Bernie Sanders supporters who don’t even know what capitalism is. That socializing medicine or anything else would destroy America.
I had to change the station about 15 minutes into this guy’s show, because quite honestly, he was clueless. How dumb does a person have to be to get himself a radio talk show nowadays?

Correct me here if I’m wrong, but aren’t we already socialized to some extent? I mean isn’t Medicare and Medicaid socialized medicine? Sure, we call it something else, but it’s 100% socialized medicine, American style. We didn’t give up our Capitalistic ways of life when it was introduced so many years ago. Did we? Yet, this is what this talk show host went on about for the 15 minutes I listened to him. I had to laugh and imagine that somehow, in someway, this guy was a complete idiot. To ignore the facts so openly, only means he had to be some kind of brainwashed noob.

We might be a capitalist country, but we have socialism disguised as the Department of Social Services, don’t we?

Let’s get the facts straight.

We have this belief that Socialism means living in Russia, as if we should be rationed out food and stand in bread lines to feed our family. In honesty, we have socialized food rationing, it’s called food stamps. The American version of Socialism, is that we can choose what we buy for food or where we go for medical help. In a Socialist country, like Russia, you don’t have those choices. America on the other hand allows you and I to choose how we utilize our socialist rights.

Capitalism today is already Socialized. We just have freedom of choice. To deny the
truth means to ignore the facts, and that radio station seemingly took away 15 minutes of my life to listen to bullshit from some ex- secret service talk show host ignoring facts.

listening to some guy ignoring the facts for some game of winning attention is what spurred my need to write this. The 1-800 number he gave out 5 times asking for opinions against his belief made me think perhaps he was purposely ignoring our already socialized formula of capitalism.

How freaking stupid can people be?

Of course one person called.

He brought up Medicare and Medicaid. He also brought up Food Stamps to the host who quickly said, “Those things are not socialism, it’s actually social betterment.”

I’m well aware of what it means to live in America. I understand very well what the difference is between Capitalism and Socialism. I’m also quite astute as to where the line is drawn between living in a dictatorship and a democracy. But……

We have Socialized our country to the extent of having what we have in place.

Perhaps it’s the terminology we use? Maybe rewording the title of socialism to Capitalocialism would help. I’m not sure, but the truth is the truth, facts are facts….
America is Socialized. We just have the freedom of choice. That’s the only difference between true socialism and the American version of socialism.

Enough said.

If I ever figure out the name of the guy who I listened to for 15 minutes, I’ll post the name of the show and perhaps a link to the broadcast. So you can understand why I had to write this…lol

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