Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Pig Makes Radio Suck

Rush Limbaugh: The Idiots Leader of Fruitlessness in Falsehoods!

Time and time again, I find myself hypnotized by the things Rush Limbaugh has to say. I’m fascinated by his disregard for intelligent thinking. The drawn out, overall lack of logic, compiled with his masterful ability to deny fact and misconstrue useful chances to educate people with truth, bewilders me beyond words.

The other day, I caught him going on and on about alternative means of power. He talked about solar power, and wind power as if they were the devil’s creation. This leads me to believe he must have some stock in the oil industry and is very unhappy with the falling markets. Unless of course he just hates alternative power sources for no reason? Yeah, no….it’s obvious that old Rush is just self concerned about the future of his stakes in oil and fossil fuels.

You have to love how he thinks fracking is a wonderful way to retrieve oil, while totally ignoring the ramifications of the technology.

Rush is very much like those who denied Noah’s building of the ark. He is the naysayers advocate, the prince of bullshit, especially when it comes to anything dealing with the environment! If it was up to Rush, humanity would rape, pillage and burn old mother nature to ashes, all the while denying anything is wrong.

He has stated, many times, that global warming is a myth, but can’t seem to justify his belief with anything but rhetoric and blind dismissals of fact! Even when you can use Google to look at the polar ice caps and see how much of it has vanished in the last 30 years. Even though, there is a tremendous amount of factual scientific evidence and huge amounts of data supporting global warming, Rush just brushes it all aside with idiotic proclamations of dismissal based on nothing more than some whacko self applied reasoning.

Politically…. Rush has been totally one sided. To me, he is the divisional master of political influence. Which is helpful. If someone follows Rush, or is a hardcore fan, you then can assume they lack the intelligence to communicate or at least be open minded enough to consider and weigh things out with an even keel.

Just overall, I find Rush to be a great reminder of what’s really wrong with America.

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