Saturday, October 11, 2014

Unemployment rate of 2014

The Unemployment and Employment Bullshit Report

Let's be honest. The 5.9% unemployment rate reported is pure utter bullshit. For some people, being employed in America does not mean your independent. The largest employers in America are only paying the lowest wages possible, and giving their employees just enough hours to keep them on the payroll without having to give them benefits.

If you are minimal wage employed, your also needing to draw benefits from the government. So essentially, your only working just enough to cover the basics and that's not near enough either.

Giant companies like Walmart and Mc Donalds for instance, don't give employees enough hours to live on and don't pay a wage worth a shit. Walmart might have perhaps 120 employees working in a store, only maybe 5% are working full time. The rest are on minimal wages, working 24 to 28 hours a week, and still dependant on government assistance.

5.9% Unemployment? I wonder out of all employed Americans, what the percentage is of those employed that still need government assistance to survive? I wonder how many Americans are working for minimal wage and getting only 24+/- hours a week? Who can live on this, without needing welfare and food stamps?

America isn't doing well. Our government is sugar coating everything. The wages people are being paid are not enough to keep them from needing assistance. We are being fed a line of bullshit about everything and anything, just to keep Americans befuddled. Just to keep a rainbow shining during a storm of corruption and political quagmire, we are shown numbers of growth, but no numbers of factuality in regards to how America is really doing.

If you believe that we are better off now than we were 10 years ago, go visit a homeless shelter, a food bank or a soup kitchen. Take a look around at the people there, and ask 5.9% bullshit or NOT?

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