Gun Ownership Demands Strict Precautions and Tremendous Safety 24/7
With our 2nd Amendment Rights coming under the microscope every time a tragic shooting happens in America, gun owners need to safe guard their weapons more than ever before. Not just for the protection of their weapons, family and safety, but in order to keep what we have in our 2nd Amendment Rights.
The principles of gun safety make an urgent demand for each individual to take a close look at how we are handling our responsibilities. We can not ignore the simple steps of gun safety, not without risking our rights and the rights of all gun owners. With millions of guns legally in the hands of rightful law-abiding gun owners, there is no better time than now to double check and make certain "our" guns are safe, locked and stored correctly.
Whether your neighbor is a gun owner, your best friend, yourself or a colleague, discuss openly about how your guns are stored. Bring it up for discussion and talk about what needs to be done when your weapons are not being used and stored away. Ask questions, "Who has access to your guns?", "Who has access to the keys or combination to your locker or safe?" These questions and more could help to make certain nobody has guns loosely guarded.
We all have a commitment to safe gun storage and ownership. We owe it to each other to make certain we meet the demands required by law. We owe it to our society and our communities to guard our weapons, guns and hunting gear for the safety of us all.
When we watch the news of a shooting in a public school, like recently with Pilchuck High, our concerns should be to motivate other gun owners to remain vigilant with gun safety. Knowing the young man involved in the shooting stole the gun from a family member, no matter how the gun was stored, we need to make sure our own guns are not easily accessible as the one used in the Pilchuck shooting.
Gun stores across America should take a little extra time talking to purchasers, and making sure new gun owners have safety as a main concern. I'm not saying the guy behind the counter should be asking a bunch of questions, but rather asking a few. If the Anti-Gun lobbyists working in America should fear anything, they should fear safe gun owners. They should fear those of us who know, recognize and believe that safe gun ownership is a duty of extreme responsibility.
One of the most frequently purchased guns in America at this time is the AR. Owning one is a wonderful thing and a tremendous responsibility. In my opinion, the safest way to store the cousin to the M-16 and it's variants is to break it down. Locking the receiver and the upper in two pieces is a smart move. If your an owner of one of many different types of the AR family, you should familiarize yourself with the proper procedure of how your particular gun breaks down. Take a Smith and Wesson M&P 15 5.56 Sport for instance. Instructions are clear on how to break one down for cleaning and maintenance and included with your rifle should you buy one brand-new.
To me, gun ownership is a brotherhood/sisterhood of great importance. We are obligated to uphold our responsibilities together as gun owners across America. So, if you have a friend who owns a gun of any type, see if you can help them with keeping their gun safe. Many of us have extra locks, trigger guards, etc etc... If you can help one person keep their gun safe, your keeping many others safe as well.
Just a thought...
Thanks for reading!
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