The Republican Jeb Bush Agenda for 2016
I'm no political Nostradamus, but I will openly make a Presidential prediction for 2016.
What we can expect if and when a republican president should take office in 2016? To put it simple, and to sum it up with only one word, War.
Let's face it, and be real here. I can only speculate, but I see nothing else to come from a republican president, except for another war and perhaps a war of grave irreconcilable circumstances. Why? Let me explain, if I may.
I can't say I love Obama, and even though I voted for the man twice, I'm very much like most people in the fact that I think I expected more from Mr. Obama. Failure or not, I will admit the man tried and is trying to bring about change, good or bad. I'm not defending the man, but I am not hating him either.
In failures or successes, however you like to measure Obama as President, he did his own personal best and attempted to bring peace and prosperity to our great country. Hate him or love him, you have to respect him for trying.
That all said, at the very very very least, he didn't bring war to the table. At least as of now, and at this time of writing this post, we have not fallen into an open war like we did with George Bush Jr.
The Republican party, already gushing at the idea of filling the slot in the white house with another Bush in 2016, that Bush being Jeb Bush of course, is already testing the waters. That said, why would America vote for another Bush? What would be the point of having another laughable and unlettered installment from the Bush clan?
Well if the powers that be have it their way, you can bet ol' Jeb will be in the White house in 2016. Scary thought, huh? Well it is for me, and my reasoning is simple.
The Republican Agenda in American has always been and always will be, at least in my mind, making the rich richer at any cost to the average American.
So why would a republican president bring about a War? Well folks, war is a business and business is slow at the moment.
The only time warfare isn't for increasing the wealth of the wealthy, is when it comes down to the betterment of humanity. The only wars that can fall into that category of American history would be WW2 and perhaps both the War of Independence and the great American Civil War. Other than those three, everything else was business. Creating a wealthy flow of monies and resources are what we waged when we waged war under any republican president since. You can argue that I'm wrong and so be it, but from my perspective, I'm very much right.
When America is idle and standing still, War looms over the horizon. With Russia and China breathing heavy down our collars, and the middle east burning like a torch in the midnight sky, its hard to believe we haven't already fallen into a cataclysmic war.
President Obama seems to be trying his best to keep our men and womyou of our armed forces out of harms way by using airstrikes against ISIS. A smart move in my mind, but if you pay any attention to the war mongering from the Republican party, all you hear and feel coming from them is just the opposite. "Send in the troops, we need boots on the ground, airstrikes are not working." Blah blah blah...
You're kidding me, right? Nope.
I'll never back a war without it being a war for humanity. There just isn't a war worth fighting today that instils value of honorable notions of respectability or righteousness.
ISIS or ISIL, I'm sorry to say, is not worth sending our men and women into action against. Now bring them to our shores, or have them do what the SS did during Germany's war with Europe with atrocities against the Jews, and then we would be talking about a war worth fighting. Yet here we are, and I honestly do not see a fight going on in this world that begs for American military intervention. That's my opinion. Although ISIS is committing atrocities and presenting itself as a worthy enemy, I feel America just doesn't need to fall into the trap of another impractical war.
Now lets fast forward about 2 years. Pretend for a moment we are in 2016, and Jeb Bush is in office. Lets say ISIS does then what they have been doing now, what do you think would be the outcome? Where would we be today? If it was 2016 and we were facing the same set of circumstances? With another derelict Bush in office?
We would have 30-50 thousand men and women storming the sandy soils in Iraq and Syria, dying for some idealistic belief that America's men and women are expendable like bottle caps on beer bottles. All the while, the rich would relish in their stocks for companies that would help fuel the war and the average everyday American would float the bill.
How many trillion of dollars a month did we burn in the Iraqi War under GWB Jr? Who benefited from it? Oil companies, Halliburton and others. The top 10% of America flourished, and the rest of us succumbed to an economic melt down. Banks folded their briefcases and the poor became poorer and the middle class felt a steep drop in their livelihoods. Prove me wrong.
So what should America expect from the possibility of a Republican President? You tell me.
What have we grown to expect? Higher oil prices. After all we are talking about the oil Bushes. Lower taxes on the rich, perhaps?
Mark my words. I'm predicting nothing else but the worst. Doomsayer, perhaps. Negative Nelly? Maybe. War? Yes.... But really all we can do at this time is cross our fingers and watch and wait.
What will really blow your mind is if you remember reading this post in 2016 and say, Holy sh*t, he was right!! Naw.... I'm just some guy with a laptop and a blogger account. I can't actually predict the future of 2016 if a Republican President sits in office. Can I? Or maybe it was or will be just an educated guess if another Bush sits down behind the desk of the Oval Office.
Thank you for reading,
Jeffrey Allen Kaufman
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