Monday, March 7, 2016

Assembled Division


You’ve heard them before, you might hear them 20x a day or more. Labels.
Conservative. Liberal. Centrist. Libertarian. Republican. Democrat. Blue collar. White collar. Left. Right. White. Black. Etc….

Who is right. Who is wrong. Which side is good, which side is bad. The typical type of jargon that gets tossed around whenever one side talks about the other. Liberals are evil. Conservatives are next to godliness. Etc. Etc.

When has anything turned out good that starts out with the silent sanction of labels?
 Saying….“Don’t listen to this guy, he’s a Liberal!” basically closes the door before it can even open! Conservatives down liberals, liberals down conservatives. We don’t allow for unity amongst the common grounds of the simplicity of liberty.

For what purpose greater than unity do we divide ourselves on common grounds?

For the better of common sense and the betterment of America we would happily shed ourselves of labels and end the divide?

No, because we have entrenched and divided our parties with labels of pride, much like the NFL, you root for your team and stand behind YOUR team. No matter what they do.

We can not have unity for a better America if we continue to stay divided. Can liberty survive in such a discord of ineptitude on just the simplest of agreements? We need to forget what teams we are all on for while and unify on the common grounds of solving our issues, without prejudice by label or divide.

Independent .vs Tea Party, Republicans .vs Democrats, Libertarian .vs Conservatives. AMERICANS .VS AMERICANS? Again, for what purpose greater than unity?

Why do we adorn these unbeneficial labels? So we know who is who, or the values of one verses the other? Do we not value America? Are we not all looking forward to increasing the prosperity of America? Solving our social issues? Fixing our Republic? Handling all of our problems as a Unified America? So why do we construct divides in such perilous times, with our symbolic indifference, with labels of segregation?

We place trenches in the field of conversation before we speak. We create impassable fortifications of divide, ending success before the possibility of such chance is taken, simply by standing on one side or the other, divided without reason, over even the most simplest items that makes us America.

For what greater reason than Unity? Than Freedom? Than Hope? Than Prosperity?

“We mutter amongst ourselves of our needs. We mutter of repairs needed upon our wounded Republic! We stand divided over the same agreements in the wish to solve our broken ways! We stand over the dying Eagle of our freedoms, watching as it breaths, heavily labored in its wounded endowment that which should remind us to unite, yet we can not apply first-aid, we can not guarantee the future of our country, simply because of Pride?”
“I say, adorn your labels! Fools of our Democracy and Republic! Adorn your selfish pride laden labels of ineptitude and decline. So we may know who stands against Unity!” 

“I shall wear my label, and fly it higher! I shall wave the red, white and blue of the true label of freedom, above all of your crumbling foundations of ineptitude and unchanging reason. I shall stand under the symbol of what America was meant to be! I shall erect the true label of unity, the flag of our country and wait for you there! Find me there, so we shall all conquer all that is in failure, including that of which is first, our divide!"

“Secondly, conquer our inability to Reason, by first agreeing we must stand together over that which we love, in unity in the name of our country, underwhich we stand, focused here on out, in the perseverance of Liberty, Freedom, and True Democracy! For if We Shall Not Unite to solve our problems, we will perish not as the Nation we were intended to be, but in the failure of the reverse, due to Pride in Division! Shed your labels and find me there, America!” JAK

God Bless America......

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