An Average American’s View on the 2016 Election.
I have an unique set of circumstances and a unique perspective on the topic of the upcoming election, I also have an unique set of influences that places me in a sort of void from mainstream media.Firstly, I’m not bombarded by the mainstream media outlets, simply because I don’t have T.V. like the rest of the world has T.V.. (Actually I’m not in an area accessible for cable, or dish television, due to the mountain range surrounding my house)
My source for news comes from the radio, or I utilize Wi-Fi from a local library or any number of free Wi-Fi Hotspots nearby where I live. As a subscriber to 5 or 6 news outlets, and being an avid listener to Glenn Beck, Rush, Sean, Mark, and a host of other radio talk shows, both conservative and liberal, I’m capable of avoiding being overwhelmed by the mainstream media from any one outlet. Meaning, Fox, CNN or Msnbc, or any of the any politically charged, politically incognito television networks, can not invade my home with rhetoric from any one side or the other, in fact, I pick and choose where my news comes from, relevant of course to the topics I research.
I get to adorn a selective feed bag of bs from both sides, and I can choose from a wide range of propaganda outlets for my “news” needs. All that said, my view is compiled from a diverse straining of opinion and regurgitated slack jawed mumbo jumbo from many of the melting pots of steaming bullshit called “the media”.
To be honest, following all of the shadowy, stained, and diversionary laced opinions on a daily bases is quite a hard task. Flip flopping, and stance jumping, seems to be a steadfast preliminary obligation from both sides on a daily basis, and keeping up with it all, is amazingly both dull and entertaining at the same time.
It would seem that the majority of the talk show media hosts are holding out on stating who they are standing behind, almost as if they are waiting for a cue from someone to all come together behind one candidate, or they may just be like many people and unable to make up their minds, or the latter might be the best guess after all.
Unfortunately, I’m skeptical about everything. Who knows really why guys like Beck or Limbaugh are seemingly trying to stay away from endorsing any one certain candidate, but it would prove interesting to see if they ALL come together under one, or selectively pick a different one, but the field isn’t vast enough for that, is it? Then again they may be holding out so they won’t look ridiculous if their choice should become a mistake. After all, ratings and audience retention is everything in the radio talk show world, right?
Interesting enough, and pointed out by Mark Lavin, Fox news came out stating they will no longer be backing Rubio. Having been avoiding that Republican network, like it was Newsmax on steroids, I was shocked to learn Fox was backing Rubio, since they seemed hell bent on backing Trump, judging mind you, by the total amount of time they talk about Trump more than anyone else, but since anyone with an IQ higher than any anchor on Newsmax, which is 99% of the world populous, everyone knows the establishment is well entrenched in the Fox News network. No way to hide that.
The Trojan Horse of the Establishment.
I published a statement about my thoughts on Trump and Rubio, my belief is simple, Rubio is functioning as a diversionary pony in this election game.The overly obvious backing by the elitist “establishment” behind Rubio is pushing more people into buying that Trump is the best choice as an “Insurgent outsider”, because IF one hint about the establishment backing Trump, should come out, it would certainly curtail his position as a leading candidate. Wouldn’t it?
In fact, all the fully out loud proclamations from our propaganda machine outlets about how the “establishment” is freaking out, and trying everything to debunk Trump, is exactly what they want us to think, leading me to believe that Trump is the Trojan Horse of the establishment.
The devil is always in the details, and the obviousness is too absurd to anyone with any real intelligence. The Trojan horse of deceit is never painted by the people trying to get in the gates. Hence why the establishment is not backing Trump openly, and painting Rubio in blaze orange.
Truth be told, if the establishment should start backing Cruz, he’d lose. As it is, Chris Christy already backed Trump, which means what? A tiny hint of what’s to come? As that asshat of a politician, is and always will be, all about the wealthy elite and he easily pointed out who is the true establishment puppet just by endorsing Trump.
Then again, as Rush said on March 2nd, maybe this is all part of the scheme of things by the establishment. Maybe they want us to think they don’t want Cruz in office, and maybe Trump is the right choice, or maybe they truly want Sanders to win, after all he’s the self proclaimed socialist, but then again, maybe the best chance was Ben Carson, since he was decommissioned so early on? Wait… what am I saying? Is it possible that we are all being led astray by the establishment, and Cruz is the Trojan horse? Holy f***….Now I have a headache.
I’m sticking with my first belief. Trump is the Trojan horse….maybe….
Now, onward to ol’Hillary Clinton and…. Oh hold on, wait….
Who should true Americans be seriously considering for their vote? The same man the establishment was trying to destroy at the very beginning of this election process, the same man they were trying to debunk right from the get go.
Hmmmmm…..who would that be? Carson? Nope…the other guy? Nope… yeah…that guy. Cruz. The sad part is, he’s been pushed into a sort of void himself, with all the attention focused on Rubio’s bullshit and the Trump “miracle”, Cruz has been placed in a sort of voidance of neglectfulness by the mainstream media. Then again, that may be by design.
What will it take for Cruz to jump ahead of Trump?
Simple….he just needs to keep telling America what he’s truly fighting for. The Constitution and our rights, and he needs to remind America who Donald Trump is, a celebrity clown who has been rubbing elbows with the establishment for many, many years. Cruz also needs to do one more, or two more things, which I’ll talk about in a moment.
Ok, now onward to the Hillary Clinton and Barry Sanders side of this election.
I think you’ll agree, the Democratic side has a tremendous amount of nothingness riding on the mainstream airways lately, besides all the email scandal talk, and the Clinton foundation investigation and all the negative “Socialist” titles adorned on old Barry, it would seem the Democrats have two lame horses in the running, and being that I’m a democrat, by association, that sucks. :)
Honestly, I can understand why so many people are washing their hands from and over this election. I’ve heard and read about how many people are refusing to vote. I guess it’s easier to pick up your toys and go home, than it is to digest the truth about this bullshit electioneering process this time around, after all, there isn’t anything important on the table, just the future of America and our rights as a people!
So, let’s say Hillary goes down. That might please Bill, but…. (I hope someone got that joke), no really, let’s say Hillary bites the bullet and the FBI shuts her down over the email scandal or the Clinton foundation thing, leaving old Barry to face Trump or Cruz, then we can gather, by modest mathematics, that the Republicans will be in the White House. As a Democrat, who would I rather have behind the Oval Office Desk? Trump? A spoiled con artist, a self proclaimed socialist or Cruz?
As I mentioned, Cruz needs to do two more things besides the previously mentioned items above. Firstly, he needs to unite both parties. If or if not, should Hillary be cuffed and or dismissed from the election process, Cruz needs to wrangle in the Democratic votes.
To do this, he needs to invite them into a united campaign, not geared at blatant attacks on Trump or Rubio, but using his honest sincerity and a plea for America to join with him, under the label of American, not the conservative label or the Republican label, but the United label of the United States label, if you catch my drift?
The best way to do that would be to continue talking about how he’s fighting for our rights, and forgetting about his party’s trench digging in the field of conversation. If he would only invite everyone, not just the conservative republican side, but EVERYONE in America to stand with him, he would grab the White House throne.
Secondly, at the next debate, at the next opportunity he has, he needs to say one thing to Donald Trump.
“If you get into office Donald, what do you think the American people are going to say at the end of your first term?” Of course Donald is going to use his masterful pandering of wit to dance around the answer and when he does… “I know what America is going to say Donald…(pause)…you’re FIRED!”
If Ted can pull that off, he’ll win…like Pedro in Napoleon Dynamite…unless…naw never mind…
God Bless America...
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