Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Trump is the Trojan Horse of the Establishment

Establishment behind Trump the Trojan Horse, Rubio the Pony boy distraction.

If your following the mainstream media, or listening to any of the analysts, you’ve probably heard that the “Establishment is backing Rubio”, and in-fact it surely seems they are. There are many factors pushing Rubio ahead, there are plenty of people who have said that Rubio is being backed by the so-called establishment and for the most part, Americans are buying into that belief. Straying further away from Rubio, and Cruz, and falling into the ranks behind Trump.

All things considered, it would seem factual that the Republican party’s “Rulers of Power” are standing behind Rubio, but wouldn’t that mean to the people, they should walk away from Rubio? They would if they truly believe that Donald Trump is the “outsider” they think he is, and Rubio is the establishment puppet. Right?

If you want to draw the attention away from the true “establishment stallion”, your going to want a baited pony. To be so obvious that your standing behind one, while your prized thoroughbred runs ahead, only means one thing, they are really behind Trump.

Cruz gets in at second, a perfect placement for an honest runner in this bullshit election. After all, 4th and 5th place is holding important points from being added into Cruz’s league of followers, along with the baited pony holding down 3rd. If you want to win in this race, you need a few ponies tripping over the second place runner up who can easily take 1st around the next few bends.

So, if your thinking or believing Rubio is tethered by the establishment, you’re right. It’s so ridiculously obvious, how can it not be true. Hence the ever so slightly adding in by all the Republican analysts that Rubio is part of the establishment, all the while they seem so willingly to prop Donald Trump up as the “outsider threat”, that the establishment is trying so hard to beat.

Trump is the Trojan horse and we will fall into the trap as long as they quietly ride him through the gate and we keep looking at the obviousness of the baited pony. We know Rubio is going to lose, it’s not as if he is a threat to the establishment, and we are going to rope Trump, and pull him into the white house as our prize stallion, thinking he’s going to ruin the establishment, then trust me, the establishment will be the first to crawl out of the horse’s ass and smile at us with a warm hello, “we made it!”

Do yourself a favor, vote for the guy they were trying to destroy at the very very VERY beginning.

Go Cruz, or vote in the establishment. Your choice.

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