Good Morning America, how’s the Trump BS going?
Look, normally when I write here I tend to try to add in a little humor. I normally make a point to not go too overboard with my seriousness.
Today though, I’m making a point to be as serious as I can with what I’m going to say. Sugar coating the true reality of where America is heading, will not help anyone who has been corrtrumpted. (SIC) *Corrupted by the Trump hysteria.
Never in the history of the United States has our country been in more jeopardy, never have our rights and our families been anointed with such perilous times as of right now. I mean that. Our present circumstances are entrenched on a divided field of insurmountable odds between the prosperity of this country and total utter hopelessness!
America is at the precipice of total failure and hinges on the soon to be votes we cast in this election. We will as a people, make or break the very back of our own American future, but unfortunately too many of us have failed to see the thorn in the flowers.
We are as close to a point of no return as we’ve ever been in American history. This isn’t fear mongering. This isn’t a proclamation from a false prophecy. No, this is where America is truly heading, right now, right here, in this electoral period!
We are being used! Manipulated! Lead astray! Divided! And unfortunately conquered!
This entire election, the whole entire ordeal is a total diversion. Nothing about this election makes sense. Nothing about it is right or safely within proper controls!
We are literally watching a new dawn in American history and nothing about it, nothing being said or done, not a god damn thing is right. Nothing!
It is so profoundly evident by our own desire to solve our issues, that we are overly willing to fall into rank behind the biggest mistake we could ever make as a society.
Make no mistake America, if we take the wrong turn at this yellow light in this intersection, what lays ahead will make the last eight years seem like a cakewalk.
Look at everything that has happened, everything that is happening, look around at the candidates we have had, and have, look at this fiasco people!
Establishment Elitist Republicans want the White House so badly, so horribly so, they are throwing everything into this race and using every tactic known to man to befuddle, misconstrue, and beguile Americans into believing in Trump and at the same time reinventing the process of this election.
We are mere sheep! Sheep America, SHEEP!!!
We are too easy to pen up and too easy to lead away from the truth!
And America, we are falling for it!
We are being fooled, and anyone falling for it needs to read one of my recent past posts. Come on people, don’t tell me we are really this stupid and naïve, are we?
We’ve stopped questioning the true intentions of all of this Republican elitist energy, even as we flirt with the idea of crossing to their side to join in a united front. The front man in the lead is truly the most dangerous and egotistical runner ever deployed into an election, and we are buying it, like it’s going out of style!
Donald Trump is nothing more than the opposite of what he portrays himself to be. For the love of god, we all know who Donald Trump is. We know exactly where he comes from, how he treats people and what he stands for. He is the establishment! Hell, he’s the poster boy for the wealthy elite! His deplorable insensitivity and redundancy of selfishness in the misfortunes of us, the people of America, can not be denied!
We’ve watched this guy for years and years, we know who he is!
We’ve watched him on his reality show, we’ve seen how egotistical and ill tempered he is, isn’t that enough to rethink voting for him?
He still exudes the exact same self-centered shallowness as he stands in front of us today, only now he’s trying to become president of the most powerful country in world.
Even with all this knowledge about the man, we are trotting behind him like a bunch of stupid sheep.
When I hear people proclaim Trump to be just like the rest of us, I have to wonder who the rest of “us” really is?
I’ve worked my ass off to support my family! I’ve had to do some of the most physically demanding work a man could do, just to pay my bills, and your going to tell me Donald Trump is just like “us”? What work has this man done to deserve the title of belonging to the working class of America?
Not a god damn thing!
Look, I’m just like the rest of America. I want, desire, wish and dream of getting a President in that White House who is going to solve, change, fix and work to make America great again, I’m wishing and praying for our country to become stronger and better off. I’m all for that! It’s just that America deserves a president we can respect, and the world can respect, and that just isn’t Donald Trump!
Even now, the establishment is doing their best to throw fuel on the fire.
If you honestly believe that the establishment is afraid of Trump, your wrong!
This election is giving America a glass window into the corruption of our government. We are waking up to witness the...
Posted by Jeffrey Allen Kaufman on Wednesday, April 6, 2016
All Mitt and Rubio are doing is fanning the flames of the Trump movement and sadly, we are too caught up in the hysteria to understand what these guys are truly doing.
All the banter between Mitt and Donald was orchestrated. These two guys have been sharing hot tubs and champagne together forever, Donald knew about it, he knew what Mitt was about to do, he knew if Romney came out with negative intentions, it would only strengthen the Trump movement.
I bet you 20$ these two ass hats were text messaging one another the moment before and after Mitt did his stunt!
I said it before and I’m saying it again. Donald Trump is the establishment’s Trojan horse, and the more they pretend to fear him, the more obvious it becomes.
You know who they really fear? The one guy they keep overshadowing with this entire ordeal.
The one guy who can’t even get a second of airtime. Ted Cruz!
You know, the one guy the establishment is trying so desperately to debunk, to undermine, to expel, and vaporize with the real dark workings of the establishment? The sneaky back pocket tactics they have been hailed with for a millennia? I mean, they’ve already taken him to court in NY and Chicago, trying to remove him from the ballot! For the love of god, the media manipulation alone should be sufficient enough to prove that to you, but it’s not enough! Is it?
All this Romney fiasco did was give Trump that much more publicity. That much more media coverage, and Rubio is doing the same thing! It’s all about making America believe the establishment hates him and fears him, so we the sheep will love him!
I wanted to believe in Trump.
Right from the beginning. I was against Cruz and all for Donald Trump. Then I started to notice something. I noticed the media propaganda machines were ever so slightly mounting the Trump pony show as their main page item of interest! Don’t get me wrong, not all of the mainstream media was doing it, just the ones we all know all too well have a biased republican platform.
Then I noticed how the talk shows were working this election. How they are using smoke and mirrors to give Trump more hysteria fuel and giving the Cruz campaign less and less time on the air, meaning they will dedicate major time talking about Trump and no time talking about Cruz, and when they do, it’s breadcrumbs compared to Trump!
When I talk about talk shows on the radio, there’s only a few that are not doing this, but even the negative remarks they bestow on Trump were from the talk shows so biased that it was even the negative remarks that were being put out there that just added up for more airtime for Trump.
The barometer of politics in this day and age needs to be read backwards, not straightforwardly. When the pressure is up, you need to look down. When the spotlight shines, you need to look at who is left in the dark. If you really want to know who has our best interests at heart, look for the guy they are leaving on the sidelines!
They know how badly America is hurting, they know how badly Americans want to fix things, they know we’re scared, they know we’re angry and fearful, they know exactly how to get us to react.
Obama is an excellent example, his first run for presidency was exactly the same as what we see today with Trump. Publicity and a never dying spotlight.
Don’t be fooled America. Don’t fall for it!
I know I have a miniscule amount of followers, I doubt this message will reach enough people to do a damn thing. I’m just not going to be quiet though, even if I’m left speaking to 5 or 6 people, I’m going to have my say.
Think. Use your brains. Think intelligently and find reason in the murky depths of this election. There’s something very wrong here. Something very out of place.
As a Democrat, I’m voting for Cruz. As a working, blue collar, red blooded American, with young children and a hope for a better tomorrow…. I’m endorsing Cruz! To hell with the rhetoric and lies, to hell with the reverse psychology…. I’m voting for the guy who the media is putting on the sidelines, because that’s where the hopes and dreams of America have been placed in this election.
God Bless America,
Thank you for reading,
Jeffrey Kaufman
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