Saturday, March 5, 2016

Watch the Full Debate 3-3-2016

Debate Showed America One Thing. 

Trump is the Wrong Choice for the Job. 

If you missed the debate, I strongly recommend you watch it. 
Watch the debate. Then come back and finish reading this post. 


Pretty much the best part was in the part where ol’Trump thinks he can tell our military to kill the families of terrorists, and they’ll do what ever he tells them to do. Really? Murdering the women and children of suspected terrorists is what we need to do to make America great again? Really? Last time I checked, we’ve already accomplished that with our wars in the middle east, only we called it collateral damage. Did that help America become great? We created more enemies than we created freedom in our Iraqi freedom campaign, and we lost our respect in this world as the great nation of good policies and leadership. Trump though, just told the world during that debate that we want to become just like terrorists. Murdering people who are guilty by association. Amazing!

This is what America wants in the White House? Disco balls and blowing up the children of the middle east?

 I just had an interesting conversation with an American Muslim today, it was intriguing to have him bring up the Gore Bush conspiracy. He felt that our votes really don’t matter. I told him that they would never try that again, that yes, they did rip America off, but even though there was no proof, it was too much work for the Bush family to do it again for Trump. Sad.

The fact is, sometimes you have to wonder just how far “they” will go this time. The debate was a win for Cruz. I don’t care what the media propaganda outlets say, if you believe Trump came out on top in that debate, you must really have an issue with reality.

Polls are so over run with every party’s poll takers, it’s impossible to suggest these polls are the true opinion of regular people! I had a friend/coworker who once worked as an assistant during Bush Jr’s first run at Presidency. She told me they had hundreds of people who would scramble to take polls and keep a record of what polls were running and make sure they covered them. In other words, never trust a poll.

Believe me, it’s ridiculous to trust in anything that a party can manipulate. Results are going to be tarnished. Although I do find it funny when the media relies on poll stats. I love it even more when they tell you the error possibility. “There’s a 5% error expectation.” STFU… it’s impossible to get true results.

Trump lost that debate. Not only did he lose, he showed us just how horrible he would be as a President. There’s nothing safe about Trump. No cool headed calming personality, nothing but jackassery. He would only drag America into hell. Imagine that jackass negotiating a sensitive issue with Putin or dealing with North Korea. Shit, imagine that asswipe dealing with Syria or China? Do we really want that kind of an idiot holding the nuclear football? Trump is the wrong man for the job. Period!

Thanks for reading!

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