Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sweat Coin Review

I started using Sweat Coin and this is what I think.

Sweat Coin

I was curious about this app for a while now. I had stumbled across the Sweat Coin app before and wanted to give it a shot, but didn't.

It wasn't until a coworker started bragging about this "new cryptocurrency" he was using that created its coins by using an algorithm that used your steps.

I figured that I walk a bunch at work, I decided to finally download the app Sweat coin. I found that it's an ad-free app, which I appreciate. Minus offers for the coins, as in items you can spend them on, you aren't bothered by much-needed interaction.

It works in the background and collects the number of steps you take and sends every 2000 steps to be analyzed. Seems to work without much battery consumption and has a sleek user interface.

Daily bonus coins are available and other incentives. So you can collect quite a few coins rather quickly every week.

So far its proven to be a useful app for generating a cryptocurrency that can be spent on a variety of items, including cash when available.

I give sweat coin an A+ for it being a great ad-free app that needs very little interaction and can make you a new form of cryptocurrency.

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